Welcome to Botany Department Page
Botany Department
Established in 1967 as Junior Department offering classes for Pre degree.
Upgraded to UG Department during the year 1983.
Currently offering B.Sc. Botany with elective paper Crop Improvement and complementary
courses Chemistry and zoology.
Open Course: Applied Botany
Value added Course offered during the past five years
Biodiversity and Conservation (2022-2023)
EthnoBotany (2021-2022)
Bio-Entrepreneurship (2020-2021)
Mushroom cultivation (2019-2020)
Composting & Biofertilizer Technology (2018-2019)
Well-equipped laboratory with Museum and Field Laboratory.
Facilities such as Binocular microscope (with light source), Binocular stereo microscopes with
attached camera systems, Colorimeter, Camera Lucida mirror type, Camera Lucida prism type,
Centrifuge, Chromatography, Digital weighing balance, Dissection microscopes, LCD
projectors, Hot air oven, Monocular microscopes with light source, Ocular & Stage
micrometres, pH meters, Refrigerator, Rotary Microtome, etc.
Department maintains a library with more than 1200 books and various reference books and
books for NET.
E-books and study materials like Audio Visual aids -CDs , PPTS,
Consultancy & Extension services
Festival of Plants “Sanjeevani” arranged for high school and higher secondary students. Exhibition,
Seminar, Traditional food court, Stalls on Plant based products
Peoples Biodiversity Register (PBR) preparation
Tree survey as part of Green Audit
Research Projects
UGC funded minor research project
Genetic Effects of Consanguinity among the hospital populations of Palakkad District, Kerala
Principal Investigator – Dr. Jyothilekshmi.P
Major Events Organized by the Department
International Webinar on Wetland Conservation
National Science Day Seminar – A Talk on Recent Developments in Plant Science
National Workshop – Awareness of Intellectual Property Rights
Seminar on Medicinal Plants of Kerala
Expo de Plantae
Seminar on Traditional Knowledge
Research Methodology and Ethics
Webinar on World Environmental Day – Ecosystem Restoration
Wetland day celebration- sponsored by KERALA STATE COUNCIL FOR SCIENCE
UGC sponsored two days National Seminar Plants and their Healing Touch : An Overview of
Nature’s Bounty.2015
Nature Camp at Parambikulam
Botany Lab